Our School

Our School

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Reading instruction started this week during Daily 5. The students are divided into groups based on their reading levels. Your child will be in my reading group or in Mrs. Norman's reading group. Mrs. Norman and I switch reading groups every few weeks throughout the school year. During guided reading lessons with the teacher, the students will complete word work activities, make predictions about a new story, whisper read several times, give a retell and answer comprehension questions. As you can see that by time your child brings home the book in their envelope, it is now a very familiar read and therefore a 'just right' book. 

Please continue to read to your child at home for enjoyment and save the reading instruction for school. When parents try to 'teach' reading at home, the strategies can be different then what they are doing in the classroom and can cause confusion for the student. 

We started Chapter 1 in math this week. This chapter is all about addition and solving addition stories. During Math Workshop the students will learn about addition strategies and work in centers. They love the hands on activities during centers. 

Have you ever asked your child- How was your day? Or What did you do today?  The common response is "I don't know" or "nothing". Well, here are some great ideas to get your child to say more: 

What book did you read today? 
What did you write about today? 
Did you do something nice for someone else today?
Who did you sit by at lunch today? 
What did you do at recess? 
Which block did you have? 
Which of the 7 habits did you focus on today? 

Don't forget about Movie Night tomorrow! 6:30pm Zootopia

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