Our School

Our School

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

We had a wonderful day before the holiday break!
I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! 

Buddy Time- Stem Activities

Turkey Math

Home Toy Reward

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Mark your Calendar: 

11/30 Reading Logs Due
11/30-12/3 Book Fair
12/2 Wacky Hair Day/ Ms. Calcaterra's last day
12/3 Winter Festival
12/7 Early Release Day/ Flyer Families ( wear t shirt)
12/11 Winter Musical
12/20 Last day before Winter Break , Winter Parties
12/21-1/3 Winter Break
1/4 School Resumes

Monday, November 14, 2016


Please try to send in items for Helping Hands this week! We have 54 items and would love to reach at least 100 items! 

Don't forget to sign the Musical Permission form and return ASAP! 

The class earned 50 points again for showing The 7 Habits throughout the past month! YAY!!They chose to celebrate with bringing a home toy to school. We will celebrate Tuesday, November 22nd. The toy needs to fit in their backpack. 

They really enjoyed our 'read a -loud' story that we have read over the past few days. It is titled Super Storms. They created posters about the Super Storms today! 

Friday, November 11, 2016

Mystery Reader

The students really enjoyed having Will's grandma as a Mystery Reader on Thursday! Thank you to Will's grandma for reading the fun math books!

11/18 Flyer Families - Wear Flyer Family Shirt 
11/23-25 No School
12/2 Miss Calcaterra's last day

Friday, November 4, 2016

Pj Day Fun

Working in our p.j's

Caden's Guinea Pig came to visit 

Flashlight Friday- reading with a buddy. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Fall Festival/ Updates

We had so much fun at our Fall Party! Thank you to all of the parents for making our party awesome!!

Academic Update

Reading Mini Lesson:
"How to be Super Smart about Non Fiction Books".

sneak peek
take a close look
chat about the book
make your voice sound smooth and lively

Writer's Workshop:
Pick a non fiction topic 
Be an expert
Use a teaching voice
Create a table of contents

We are finishing chapter 4 - addition strategies. They will take the post test on Thursday and the subtraction pre -test on Friday. Chapter 3- subtraction will start after the 4 day weekend. 

Science / Social Studies:
We will continue with the theme our earth/ where we live. We have learned about land forms, water sources, weather and climate and now finish up with understanding natural resources.

Stink: we just started the Stink book titled The Great Guinea Pig Express. We will have a special visitor on Friday to help us make some really great connections to the chapter book. 

No spelling words next week - no school Monday and Tuesday.