Our School

Our School

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Academic update

Writer's Workshop
Realistic Fiction
~ During Writer's Workshop we have been working very hard on planning and writing realistic fiction. Here is our plan: 

Each child will need to bring in an empty cereal box by next Wednesday. The students are creating their very own "Boxed Set" book series during writer's workshop. They are writing several realistic fiction books to create a series. They are loving it!

Math Workshop- Stem Stations 
(for the next few weeks)

~ Now that we are wrapping up our place value unit we are starting STEM stations. Our next unit in math is graphing concepts. Graphing will be the focus of the mini lessons before work time. 

~ During work time (STEM stations) the students will explore, ask questions, plan, create, problem solve, synergize, improve, reflect and share. While the students are working I will continue to conference with students about their work in the station and pull students over for small group math instruction- double digit addition with regrouping and graphing concepts. 

Play dough and Toothpicks:

Plastic Cups/ Cards:

Unifix Cubes/ Large Popsicle Sticks:



Social Studies: Teeny Tiny Concord Town:

The flyer below came home yesterday. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Mystery reader

Thank you to Natalie's mom and dad for being a Mystery Reader today! The students loved the book!

Molly has been working hard on her word work activities during Daily 5 too!! Way to go, Molly!

Be on the 'lookout' for your child's Opinion Writing coming home this week- they can't wait to show their family all of their hard work!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Our First Grade Writing Celebration (Friday)

Look at all of the snap words she wrote!!! We are so proud of her hard work today during Word Work!! Way to go, Adelyn! 

Our Valentine's Day Party... so much fun!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Adelyn was in the Spotlight this week. We enjoyed her Show-n-Tell and writing about her in her 'Spotlight Book'! 

Save Box Tops- turn them in each morning
2/14 Valentine's Party
2/15 Early Release Day ( no Flyer Families this day)
2/17 Spring Pictures
2/20 No School
2/24 Flyer Families- wear t-shirt
2/28 Mother /Son Dance

They enjoyed working on place value concepts by the 'fire' yesterday.