Our School

Our School

Thursday, January 28, 2016

100 Day Approaching...

Don't forget: bring a device or a small toy tomorrow. 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Raquel was in the spotlight last week! We enjoyed writing a book for her.

Check out what the students have been creating during library time... They learned how to research and use their coding skills to make the robot Dash parade around with the penguins.

Helpful Reminders:

Please remember to fill out the light bulb page with your daily reading ( they are so lucky- this is their only required homework). This is the last week of January reading minutes! As a school, we are trying to reach 1 Million Minutes of reading.

Family Bingo Night is Friday the 29th. 

Our POD Winners voted to have "Bring a device OR a small toy" on Friday the 29th. Please make sure the toy is small and does not have too many little pieces. 

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Jason was in the spotlight last week. We really enjoyed his show and tell!

Blue Ribbon Opinion Writing...

Sharing their Blue Ribbon Opinion writing...

Welcome Miss Sparrow! She is our student teacher from Missouri Sate University. She grew up in Oakville and enjoys crafting in her free time. We are very happy to have her join us. Miss Sparrow will be with us until the beginning of May. 

Please be on the look out for the TIME FOR KIDS letter and booklet. It is coming home today and due by FRIDAY. Thank you in advanced for your help. 

Don't Forget to mark your calendars for Science Night February 18th 3:30-6pm. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


They loved Opinion Writing today! We kicked off our new unit with writing about our collections. Today they chose their favorite and wrote at least three reasons why it is the best. They used blue ribbon paper to write about the best. Their collections will stay here for a few days as we get through our few days of the new unit.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Welcome Back

Welcome Back! We had such a great day back to school. It sounds like everyone had a really great break! Thank you again for all of the lovely Christmas gifts and the WHOLE CLASS GIFT CARD to my favorite clothing store!! I had a great time shopping over the break!

Thank you to Mia A.'s mom for planning a great winter party! We appreciate all the parents who came and helped out and donated items for the party! The kids had so much fun!

BRRR... it's cold outside!

Please keep in mind the temperature outside around 11:30 am on school days. The children are outside for about 20 minutes and need to be dressed appropriately. We had a lot of very cold children in hoodies and 'frozen' fingers and ears today.

We are starting our next unit in Writing on Wednesday. Here is a note for all first grade families:

Dear Fantastic First Grade Families,
First grade will soon begin our next unit in writing:  Opinion Writing.  For some of the lessons, the students will be asked to use a personal collection to create an opinion.  Looking at each piece, then choosing the “best” one and telling why it is the best! --> Telling our opinion!

It is important that your child's collection is a group of similar things that have slight differences that we can compare. A collection of mismatched items will be hard for your child to compare because they don't have any commonalities and a collection of items that are TOO similar makes it hard to compare as well.

Please send in at least 4 but no more than 10 items from any kind of collection!  The items must fit into a large ziploc baggy.  We will send the collection home at the end of the unit.  

Examples:  marbles, bouncy balls, Legomen, baseball cards, coins, barretts, figurines, fast food toys, seashells, rocks…  (It doesn’t have to be a particularly special collection!)

Please send the items in by Wednesday  1/6/ 16.

Thank you,

Concord First Grade Teachers  

January Dates:
1/13 early release
1/18 MLK - no school