Our School

Our School

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

We have been working so hard this week. The kiddos decorated their cereal boxes 
for their Box Set Series!! 

We started a New Mystery Science titled: Plant & Animal Superpowers. They loved our first Mystery: Why do birds have beaks? 
They enjoyed experimenting with two different kinds of beaks. 

We had a wonderful school wide assembly on Wednesday for our Ability Awareness Day. The guest speaker was Holly, an 8th grader who is blind and Autistic. She has a wonderful talent of music. She can sing, play many instruments and tap dance. She was an inspiration to all!! After the assembly, the students rotated through 3 stations to understand Down Syndrome and develop empathy towards inclusion.

Due to the rain forecast, our Fun Run is in the gym from 1-2pm tomorrow. 

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