I hope everyone had a wonderful "extended"holiday break! It may take a little bit to get back into the swing of things, but I am sure the students will be glad to be back. Please remember that Mrs. Nikodem will be my substitute until January 17th. The class will spend some time on the first day reviewing classroom rules, habits and expectations. They will get a homework packet that says due on Friday. Please keep the homework packet until Monday. They can work on it over the weekend if needed. There will be NO spelling words during the weeks that I am gone. The students may practice spelling any words in the back of their planner for the tic tac toe. Your child will get a new planner when they come back to school. Mrs. Nikodem will collect their old planner so I can transfer the highlighted words in their new planner. I will take care of this the week that I get back to school. After that, I will return the old planner to you for you to keep or recycle. Thank you in advance for your understanding!
Updates for January:
Updates for January:
Daily 5- As a class we will review expectations and routines, continue to enhance reading, comprehension skills, and writing skills through the 5 rotations: read to self, read to someone, listen to reading, word work and work on writing.
Writer's Workshop- During Writer's Workshop we will review the two genres taught so far- Personal Narrative (story telling voice about a small moment) and Informational Text ( teaching voice to teach a reader about a topic using several chapters). This month the students will be introduced to Opinion Writing. They will begin this unit after the holiday on the 20th.
Math- During math we will review addition concepts and strategies. The students will learn about subtraction concepts and the strategies to solve subtraction number sentences. They will continue to learn from the Math Workshop/ Center model: whole group mini lesson and then work in math centers and small group instruction.
Social Studies (Projects)- The students will start a unit about Economics. They will work in a packet and watch short clips about Economics on brainpopjr.com. They will bring their packet home when it is completed later this month.
The Seven Habits: The students have learned the first four of the seven habits since August. We have been using these habits on a daily basis at school. Feel free to take some time to review these habits with your child and remind them to have them on their mind as we get back to school. Having these habits on their mind will help them as they get in the routine of school expectations and adjust to my absence.
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3 : Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win Win
Snack: Please remember that our classroom is a peanut free zone! No nuts or anything made in a factory with nuts (birthday treats as well)! Thanks.
PRISM: Please remember that PRISM projects are due February 14th. PRISM night is Thursday February 20th. It is not too late if your child is interested in working on a PRISM project! Parents can download a PRISM book off the Lindbergh website or request one from the office. (If your child works on a PRISM project, I will make exceptions for the homework packet- email me if you have any questions).
Dates to Remember:
Jan. 15th - Early Release
Jan. 20th- No School (Martin Luther King Jr, Day)
Jan. 31st- Family Trivia
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