Our School

Our School

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

100th Day/ Reminders

Our 100th Day of School

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They had such a great day!

  • Don't forget that our class earned a BYOD day tomorrow. 

  • Please be sure to have your child total their reading minutes for January. Each light bulb (on their reading log in their binder) represents 10 minutes. Parents need to initial each light bulb and record the total minutes for the month of January. This is your child's only homework other than spelling words! Please be sure to have your child complete their nightly homework -10 minutes of reading. 

  • February Reading Logs will come home tomorrow. 

  • Be on the 'lookout' for a note about Valentine's Day. The note will come this week.

Friday, January 27, 2017

100th Day next Week

We will celebrate our 100th Day of School next Tuesday! Your child may dress up like they are 100 years old or they can choose not to dress up. I will leave up to each child and their parents to decide. We will do all kinds of 100th day activities throughout our school day!

The class has earned 50 points and voted to have another Bring Your Own Device day. We will have our BYOD Day on Wednesday of next week. If your child does not have a device, it is ok!We have plenty for the kids to use, plus the love to share!

Have a Great Weekend!

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Tomorrow is Early Release and Flyer Family Day! Be sure to wear you Flyer Family shirt tomorrow and be ready for dismissal at 1:40pm. 

The students love writing about their Opinion during Writer's Workshop! 

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Student Spotlight/ Welcome Caitlyn

Natalie is in the Spotlight this week! We really enjoyed her show and tell! 

Please welcome our new student- Caitlyn! Welcome to Concord! We are so happy to have you and your family join the Concord Community! 

Monday, January 9, 2017

Academic Update

Academic Update

Reading Mini Lessons/ Partner Work:
"Readers Have Big Jobs to Do"
We will continue to learn about the strategies we can use when we get to tricky words. We will also practice fluency and comprehension while reading independently and with a partner. 

Writer's Workshop:
We started our new unit on "Review/ Opinion Writing". Over the course of the school year they have written stories, teaching books and informational books. Now they will write about their opinions and write reviews about their favorite things! They loved the activity today- put their items in a line and "judge" them, figure out the reasons why it is a favorite and write their opinion

The students enjoyed trying out some new center activities last week. I think they  really enjoyed playing Dominoes 'Mexican Train' the best! 
FYI- Your child might be asking you to buy dominoes. It is a great game to enhance math skills and a great family game as well. 

We started our next unit in Math- Place Value. They will learn how to write numbers with base ten blocks, show a number in expanded form and understand ten more and ten less than any given number.

Social Studies:
We are starting our next unit- "Good Citizens" this week too. Some key vocabulary terms for this unit are: government, president, vote and symbol.

Mark your Calendar: 
1/16 No School
1/ 25 Early Release/ Flyer Family T Shirt
1/27 Family Bingo

2/15 Early Release
2/20 No School/ Blues Night
2/28 Mother /Son Dance

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

There are lots of papers in your child's folder today. Please be on the look out for their nonfiction writing. They are very excited to share their writing with you!

Please look for this in your child's folder. The date should read Monday, January 9th. Thank you!

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Pajama Day

Don't forget- Mrs. Boyd's Class is wearing pajamas on Wednesday! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful winter break! I can't wait to see the kiddos tomorrow!