Our School

Our School

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New Schedule

We did a great job breaking up our LONG morning on Monday!!

Spotlight Update: 

Gretchen and Gabe were in the spotlight last week. We really enjoyed their show and tell!


Jillian and Thomas are in the Spotlight this week. Jillian would like everyone to wear blue on Wednesday. Thomas would like everyone to wear camouflage or gray on Thursday. 

Few reminders for tomorrow- early release day and a device day. 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Writer's Workshop- Fantasy Writing

Look at these 'little worker bees'... on a Monday!! Yay!

Nico was in the Spotlight last week. They students really enjoyed his song at Free Choice. 

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Academic update

We have been very busy since spring break...

We finished our Realistic Fiction unit last week. They students loved sharing their box set series with their peers. They all worked so hard on bringing their stories to life and creating a series. Their work will be displayed in the hallway the rest of this week. 

Now they are writing Fantasy! They get to think 'outside of the box' and create pretend characters and write about adventures that would not typically happen in real life. They are having a lot of fun with these stories.

They have worked so hard on place value this past quarter and now they have moved to measurement and telling time. The students have used non standard and standard measurement tools and can tell time to the hour and to the half hour. 

Our class is learning about Weather. The students are keeping track of the daily temperature and weather. After they have collected their information, they will create a graph of their data. Finally they will interpret their graph. 

As always, we are working on reaching our goals and using the 7 Habits each day!